MOM is not a commercial initiative and the benefit is gained by future generations!
Nevertheless there are costs to bear. You can help to make MOM the greatest time capsule of humankind!
MOM is funded by donations from people like you. Any donation, howsoever small, helps! It will be entirely spent for MOM. It finances infrastructre such as the expansion of the archive vault or the tablets with Ceramic Microfilm.
You can design your own MOM-Tablet or buy a Voucher as a present.
MOM is a non-profit organisaion and a society according to Austrian law.
You can donate via Paypal or direct bank-transfer.
Every donor will be included into a special MOM tablet by name and eternalized within the archive.
In case of greater amounts or your wish to inlude MOM into your will, please contact us here.
Bank account:
Memory of Mankind
IBAN: AT16 1860 0000 1201 9717